The people who love to eat they should use some kind of traditional process of making the food. For this many of the traditional restaurant or some of the famous restaurant they like to make the food with the help of charcoal and woodchips for grilling the food in a good manner you want to eat tasty grilled chicken then you have to grill the food in a very well manner with the help of charcoal and wood chip. This process is very nice. Everyone should use this unique process. If they will apply this process then you can get some better taste of the food. When you are going to grilling the food then you have to think that, what kind of food you are going to eat and in which way you are going to grill your food. After that, you have to choose the type of charcoal. There are two types of charcoal these are:

This type of charcoal is very good in quality. Many of the renowned restaurants they love this type of charcoal to grill the food. It is made by the charring Logs of hardwood. The shape of this charcoal is irregular. This type of charcoal is formed from the hickory, mesquite, maple, etc. The temperature of this kind of charcoal is very hot. If you want to grill the burger sausages or chicken, fish any item then you can use the lump charcoal. It will be very much helpful for grilling.
This type of charcoal is good. The shape of this type of charcoal is like black pillows. This type of charcoal will take much more time to grill the food. You have to wait for a long while. You can grill the pork shoulders or the ribs, or the chicken you can grill very easily with the help of this charcoal.
Which Should Buy

There is various kinds of charcoal are available in the market. If you will want to buy the right and proper charcoal to grilling your food the lump charcoal will be the best. It will not take much more time. Then you can easily grill your food with the help of this.
Woodchips are also very useful tools for grilling the chicken porks and fish also. This is the small portion of seasoned hardwood. Woodchips will mainly use to make smoky food. If you want to make the food smokier then you can use the woodchips. You have to first choose which kind of food will you make and in which way you are going to make this food smokier, then you have to choose the woodchops styles.
To Soak Or Not To Soak
There are various restaurants and chefs they know the correct process that how to use the wood chips and how to use the charcoal to make the foods smoky and grilled. The best chefs they always suggest that, to soak the charcoal and wood cheaps first. After that, you have to use this. If you do not soak these by water then your food will not be grilled in a proper process. Always try to make the charcoal and woodchip soak in the water and then use it.
Wood Types
There are various types of woods are available in the market. You can use woods for grilling.

These types of wood commonly come from fuel for smoking.
This type of wood commonly used for fuel sources.
This type of wood mainly uses to grill the food