Fake meat is the new trendy and healthy option for vegan lovers. The vegan centric dishes are mainly about vegetables and organic centric food. They also tend to use dairy-free products and plant milk. But what about the times when you want to bite in some meaty version. Maybe like a delicious and cheesy hamburger. Afraid not, in this article we are going to give you some fake meat options which you can safely include in your vegan diet easily. We also assure you that only there the molecular pattern is different, Not the taste, not the texture and not the nutrients part. And if we consider nutrients value, these options will be healthier. However, many vegan types of meat are available in food stores and supermarkets. But they are full of artificial material to keep it fresher for longer. So don’t fall prey for them. You should always have less processed food, especially in a vegan diet. Instead, you must have plant-based fresh foods, which is the main reason for a vegan diet, which is to free your body from all kinds of harmful ingredients, which usually comes from a nonvegetarian diet.

Fake Meat: Some Healthy Substitutes
Tofu: it is a healthy yet nutritious substitute for meats. You can use it easily in every meaty dish you want to have instead of beef, pork, chicken, etc. it is a byproduct of soybeans and has a very high quotient of protein and calcium. It is an imperial ingredient of Asian cuisine from long back. The regular tofu you get in the market is generally soft and bland. In this case, you should go for chewy extra firm tofu, and which taste exactly like the meat. Press it before freezing and then use it cooking for that meaty texture. You may find its ability to absorb the flavor is quite amazing.
Tempeh: it is another byproduct of soybean, but it’s a little bitter and nutty. If steamed adequately, it is an excellent fishy substitute in various vegan dishes. It has a unique grainy texture. You have to slice it before using it.

Some More Options
Seitan, Jackfruit, Mushroom are some other fake meaty options for your vegan diet. Seitan is the processed wheat gluten, and then it is dehydrated. You have to rehydrate it before using it, and this is the meatiest feeling dish you can find. But if you miss your pulled pork hamburger, then jackfruit is your answer. It is another staple ingredient in Asian countries from ancient days. It has the perfect meaty and fiber texture, which is hard to tell. Some vegan restaurants are even throwing a challenge to their customers to differentiate between actually pulled pork hamburger and jackfruit hamburger and trust me they are happy to misguide.
Mushroom is another option for this purpose, and if done correctly, they also taste the same. So this is some options to help you to choose your fake meat and indulge in some delicious meaty versions of your vegan diet.