British meat dishes are famous compared to other food items in the UK. Uk food items are not that trending compared to items of other countries and had some bad reputation in the past. But this is not the case with meat dishes. Meat dishes in the UK come in a variety of forms and should be tried for sure. They are just awesome and super tasty. Here we will see some of the British meat dishes that you can try.
Parmo – The British Meat Dish
Parmo is one of the most popular British meat dishes consisting of a chicken cutlet that is fried deep in breadcrumbs, covered in a creamy sauce, and topped with cheese and bacon to pepperoni and garlic sauce. The dish is served along with chips and a salad on the side. It is commonly believed that the dish originated in a Middlesbrough restaurant. The name Parmo is derived from another dish Parmesan.
The Famous Steak And Kidney Pie
This is an awesome dish that includes beef steak and kidneys, cooked inside a buttery pastry shell. The dish is originally prepared with suet pastry and today is usually made with butter and employs beef, lamb, or pork kidneys. The combination of tender beef meat, earthy-flavored kidneys, and flavorful gravy inside make it one of the best choices. If you go to the UK, you have to try this one.
The Great Chicken Tikka Masala
Chicken Tikka Masala is a great dish made with tandoor-cooked chicken pieces and is made available with a spiced tomato-cream sauce. The origin of the dish goes back to the 1970s and there is still some confusion regarding the actual invention of the dish. Some people are of the opinion that a Bangladeshi cook is the inventor of the dish where others are of the opinion that it is a twist of the Indian Butter Chicken.
Bangers And Mash
These are common dishes for lunch or dinner in many English pubs. They are unique big pork or beef sausages finished with juices and are served above buttery potatoes along with a bittersweet onion sauce. The sausages were called bangers after world war 1, due to the reason that water was added to enlarge the meat so that the sausages would burst with a bang and the name Bangers was given to it.
British meat dishes are tasty and famous and have a very long and interesting history. All the famous dishes are common in British pubs, and people make them in their homes too. Adding sausages to meat is a common phenomenon in England and it gives an extra flavor. These dishes are easy to prepare and can be used for lunch or dinner accordingly. Don’t forget to try some of these dishes the next time.